
This site is owned and operated by Off Campus Partners and provided to Duke University students, faculty, and staff as a courtesy. Rental property owners are solely responsible for reporting information regarding their properties fairly and accurately; Duke University and Off Campus Partners do not review such listings or inspect any of the listed properties and cannot guarantee the completeness or accuracy of such information. Inclusion of any property or unit on this website maintained by Off Campus Partners for Duke University students, faculty, and staff does not constitute, and shall not be construed or reported as an endorsement or approval by the University or Off Campus Partners of the landlord, its properties, or its business practices, or a warranty or representation by the University or Off Campus Partners as to the quality, safety or other features of such property and/or its owners or management agent(s). Duke University and Off Campus Partners each expressly disclaims any and all responsibility for any problems that may arise with regard to such property or rental units or with regard to disputes between landlords and tenants concerning such property or rental units. Duke University and Off Campus Partners each assumes no responsibility in connection with any rental agreements entered into between the landlords and tenants. Duke University and Off Campus Partners shall not be liable for and will be held harmless against damages of any kind arising from or related to use, reference to, or reliance on any information contained within this website or websites linked herein. All prospective tenants are strongly encouraged to exercise their own good judgment when evaluating a prospective rental unit or landlord and to perform due diligence before making final arrangements.